Tuesday 24 July 2007

"Red Ring of Death" and other Xbox news

Red Ring of death
Well, it looks like Microsoft is getting closer to acknowledging there is a serious hardware flaw with the Xbox 360. The company announced early this month that it is extending the warranty coverage for 360 owners by one year. That means the warranty is now good for three years. But there is a catch. The warranty only covers hardware failures. That means when you call the Xbox support line you need to stress that you got three flashing red lights. If you don't you wont get your Xbox serviced for free. For those that don't know the problem seems to be surrounding the consoles cooling system. Apparently the consoles are overheating causing the systems to breakdown. Microsoft says any customer who has paid for repairs will get a refund in 10 to 12 weeks. (End of September) Microsoft is not releasing to many details about the refunds, so it look like you'll need to keep track of that and make sure you get your money back.

Damaged Discs
The "Red Ring of Death" isn't the only problem for Microsoft. The company is also getting some flack over the console damaging games. Two people filed a lawsuit against Microsoft earlier this month in California. Christine Moskowitz and Dan Wood claim the Xbox 360 console scratched the game discs, making them unusable. They are asking for $5 Million in damages. It also looks like the two are trying for a class action lawsuit. If they win it could mean a serious blow to Microsoft.

In case your wondering, Microsoft does have a Disc Replacement Program in place. If one of your discs is damaged you can get a new copy. However it only applies to games where Microsoft is the publisher. A list of games available for replacement is below. You will have to print, fill out and send in this program form to get your games replaced. Delivery takes about 2 weeks.

Games available for replacement:
Fuzion Frenzy 2
Gears Of War®
Halo® 2
Kameo™: Elements of Power™
Ninety Nine Nights™
Perfect Dark Zero™
Project Gotham Racing® 3
Viva PiƱata
Xbox Live® Arcade Unplugged Vol. 1

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