Sunday 22 July 2007

Halo 3 Coop, is it going to happen?

Reports in a game magazine have cause some panic over whether Halo 3 will have online co-op play. Well, Bungie finally hit on the issue during this weeks "Bungie Weekly Update."

All that said, EGM doesn’t really know whether or not Halo 3 will ship with online co-op, only Bungie knows. The only thing they did know is that co-op was available for split-screen and System Link. As we approach the tail end of development, we will have a clearer picture of whether or not that online
feature will be included. Assuming either way would be foolish at this time. We
will say more when we feel it’s prudent. Because that’s how we roll.

Frankie from
So it looks like the question surrounding online co-op hasn't been answered yet. We'll keep you posted on any developments.


lunatickiller said...

Exactly, we just don't know. But its not a good sign with the game coming out at the end of September. I mean I would think they would have an idea of what will be and what wont be in the game by this time. So if I was a betting man I would say it looks like the game doesn't have it right now, but they are working on getting it in at the last minute. Of course that's all speculation.

Certificate 18 said...

i like your realisum

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